Thursday, October 20, 2011

Show and Fail

This morning, Cameron got up and started readying her Barbie for Show and Tell. Barbie needed a nice outfit, her hair combed and two matching shoes. Cameron was having trouble with the shoes - Barbie lost her shoes two minutes after being sprung from the box. 

I gently broke the news that it wasn't Show and Tell day; However, I promised her that I would find out when her next Show and Tell would be.

When I picked her up, as promised, I inquired about Show and Tell. Her teacher responded by grabbing a giant dagger and stabbing it in my gut. Today was Show and Tell, and Cameron was the only child not to bring something to share with the class.

Wow. I felt bad. Really bad. Really Really Really bad. How had I missed this? Her teacher informed me that it had been in the newsletter AND placed on the school calendar. Hmmm - really?

Middle Child Syndrome? I get it now. 

Cameron, I extend to you my apologies, and I promise to do better. I promise not to let you fall through the cracks. I promise to not take your infinite patience and easy-going personality for granted. I promise to give you the best of my attention and if all else fails,  I promise to find you the most gifted therapist money can buy. 

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